Friday, August 6, 2010

Health Center Moringa Paintings

Here are some wall paintings I did as part of Moringa education for the women at my local health center. Months back I gave presentations on the benefits of it, along with one of the local doctors Samual, during the prenatal counseling and infant vaccination days. Now, I painted the various parts of the presenation on the walls so that the women can see the pictures and connect it to the presentation. The actual painting took about 6-7 sessions. I would go on the prenatal counseling day and so the women would be gathered while I worked on it. That gave another audience and I could explain what exactly I was working on, and do the lesson again. My favorite part was that often I would explain it to one or two women and continue on, and then I could hear them teaching the other women as they came up. Also, the doctor who I worked with originally, would come around and give the lesson while the women were gathered. Visual aids are so powerful, and an incredible tool here, incredibly loved by everyone!

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