Thursday, September 18, 2008

End of staging

Well we just finished up our two days of staging. I had every intention to post last night, and of course we were swamped with "orientation to peace corps" in two days. I must admit that it still has not sunk in that tomorrow we take off from NY to Brussels, and then arrive in Cameroon on Saturday. And to be honest, I don't think it will really sink in that I am there, there-there, until a few weeks from now. This whole experience has been a little detached for me, like something that is real in theory but that I am not truly feeling or knowing in my heart. Especially the 2 years part. And I know that I am excited but as the real-ness has not set in, I don't necessarily feel it. Yet. But I do get excited thinking about what is coming...

It has been fun meeting the other members of our group, however I could have spent a week doing that, talking to people, getting to know people, but there will be time enough for that the next three weeks. I just learned something new today! Our actual training is not really in Garoua proper, but in a village--Nasaroua (agroforestry) and small town-Pitoua (health) 7 km from Garoua.

Tomorrow we begin our long journey starting at 6:45 am. As one of the 4 group leaders, I am definitely hoping that all our prepartions and transitions will be covered in grace and flow smoothly...hotel to bus to airport. (seriously, we drew pieces of paper with our names on it, and I'm sure my parents are thinking how did Elizabeth become one of the group leaders. I'm not exactly the most organized person in the world...and I do tend to lose things...Thank goodness I am not the document person in charge of everyone's passports and other important documents. Thank goodnes. That would be a disaster.)

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