Friday, May 29, 2009

photos of my new house

After much, much much nagging on the part of not only my mother, but many others too, I am attempting to upload some photos of my new house. I waited for a while because it was "under construction" and changing, but now I think it looks pretty much like what it will look like for a while, until the gardens grow in!!! Such a joy, I almost feel like crying about it when I think about being able to live there. It is a palace and I am so happy with it, so blessed.

this is one of my favorite photos: the front porch with Leila and Kosam

The view of the house from the road

Left side, bedroom, right side living room
The kitchen and entrance behind the wall...

to the left of the kitchen, storage shed and old kitchen-soon-to-be chicken house (the tree has since been broken by a storm, so no more Neem tree :( )

Bathroom, now much more lovely with flowers and plants

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