Saturday, November 28, 2009

My foulbe ladde friends come to visit me at the house

What a beautiful surprise...when 9 girls and 2 boys come knocking on your gate and traipsing on in with singsong voices, talking to the dog, asking for your papayas, walking in your house, asking for more photos more photos more photos, crowding around to look at the screen, pushing, shoving, laughing, giggling, scolding, etc. Always brings me such joy!


claire said...

oh my goodness they are so beautiful and colorful!

i can't wait to be there to hang around with your kids. and i can't wait for you to come back here to hang around with my kids!

they should be pen pals!!

love you and miss you!

Sea Change said...

they totally should be penpals. but my kids (at least the ones in the photo) don't really write. they could be picture penpals! if you bring photos of your kids when you come, and drawings we could give them to my kids and then exchange!!!