Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today is Thanksgiving, and I hope that all of you reading this have a wonderful day, full of loved ones and gratefulness! We are all together in Garoua preparing a massive feast. It won't be filled with Turkey, but there are chickens (for all the non-vegetarians), stuffing, stuffed tomatoes, deviled eggs, and some other African delicacies, such as fresh pineapples. The chickens are being roasted over a fire. It still, of course doesn't feel so much like Thanksgiving, because of the weather, so it feels more like a celebration of another sorts, maybe for the close of training/stage. It's hard to believe it's been below freezing in the states. Stephen here has commenced the playing of Christmas music on the computer though, so I guess that's the same! I love you guys and miss you.

1 comment:

Dan & Anna said...

Elizabeth! Exciting to hear your news. Glad you are adjusting to your new life so fast!