Monday, January 18, 2010

Another Call for magazine photos

I just wanted to put this out there again, about magazine clippings for the geography class (see post October 14th). Thank you so much Emily for the photos that you sent. They are AMAZING! I was so overwhelmed! and they will be wonderful to include. But if anyone else would be able to send me some picture of any of the following if you run across them in a magazine, old Nat Geographics etc, that would be so helpful, and I could start my geography class!

1. people, faces, clothing from all over, all different countries, to show diversity and beauty
2. animals (lions, elephants, hippos, giraffes, panda bear, wolves, polar bear, lemurs, other monkeys, toucans, highland cows, camels, koala bears, snakes, etc)
3. landscape and plants
4. buildings, new and old

These are for all continents. So far I actually haven't gotten many from Africa and was hoping to start on that first. I'd love to show photos of typical fauna and flora, but also photos of the diversity of Africans, and African cities and villages, to combat some stereotypes. We'll probably also be talking about desertification and deforestation.


Emily said...

Glad you liked the photos- I'll keep my eye out for some Africa ones and get them on the way!

claire said...

you've got a bunch of nat. geographics coming your way.

in 23 days!!